Keep up to date with important dates and events
The LGIDA is committed to providing training and events to keep its members and stakeholders up to date. COVID-19 has caused suspension of training and events since March 2020. Resumption of training is now occurring. Contact the Executive Officer on for details of any of the events or training listed below.
To be advised.
Pitt&sherry conducted a successful webinar during February. It was led by Anna Butler. Unfortunately the notes are many ,megabytes, so endeavours are being made to access a summary which will be made available
Discussions are being held with facilitators to re-establish training specific to Development Engineers similar to what was established by Ralph Kop and Dr. John Webster prior to COVID. It may be in the form of a Webinar. The aim is to try to organise the training webinar development by October/November 2024. There are likely to be four half-day sessions over a two week period,
Such training is being discussed by the Board. Any suggestions and ideas as to who may be approached to conduct the training would be of assistance. Please forward them to and suggestions will be forwarded to the Board members
We are seeking contact details of training organisations familiar with Austroads and DoT&P approaches to road pavement design. Please forward any suggestions to
Flyer for 14 March 25 mtg
PDF format (272 KB)